"Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom." These moving words were said by George Washington Craver. I believe this quote signifies that 'with education comes freedom.' Education presents us with more choices and decisions, and consequently, more freedom in life. It gives us knowledge to make the right choices, and with that knowledge comes success. This quote indicates that education opens up many more opportunities and freedom for us to strive towards our life ambitions. Without education, one doesn't have much hope for a successful future.
It is difficult to survive properly to get anywhere in life without education. In fact, education today may even be more important than it was back then as nowadays, most privileges are not open to uneducated people. Many chances are taken away from people due to their lack of education. Education is needed to be able to accomplish much in life because now, not only does education incorporate reading and writing, it also consists subtle lesson's for today's constantly changing society. However, not everyone is fortunate enough to get education. Many people around the world in poverty want to attend school and learn but don't have that kind of money to spare or are denied their right to attend school. While some people take education for granted, there are kids on the streets who yearn and wish but can only hope to be educated. It seems completely unfair that while people who can't afford it dream to be educated, there are people being educated who don't recognize the benefit and importance of education and fail to appreciate it. Education is necessary to achieve much in life. I believe education is worth being fought for.
Education is important to fight for because with education comes space for development. Education gives us basic knowledge and lets us understand more of what is going on in the world. It would allow the world to develop because fighting for universal education would also be fighting against poverty. Educating the poverty-stricken means helping and giving them a shot to a better lifestyle by getting a job, thus helping the world develop. Yet many children around the world today are denied their right to attend school and some don't have the money to afford schooling. If everyone was given the chance to get educated, the number of people in poverty and suffering would lessen as education is the foundation to success and provides the chance of getting a well paying job and with that comes money to lead a better life. Education is the key to freedom because when you are in poverty, there is not much you can do. Fortunately, there are campaigns around the world fighting for child education. One such example is the Bolsa Escola (Bolsa Familia), in Brasil. Bolsa Escola is a scholarship program for kids who have to work and it allows kids to go to school some time during the day. This operation makes up for money lost from kids going to school by giving them a monthly cash payment. As well as its educational impact, Bolsa Escola is also credited for its other positive impacts like the stimulation of economic growth, therefore, providing development for the world.
Additionally, education is important to fight for because education helps the world grow. Education allows us to keep moving in a forward direction by educating people to understand the world and the things in it. Education will help us understand the world better, so we can know what needs to change and what improvements to make so the world can grow. Through education, we can also discover and develop new ideas and methods to do things so that there is growth and life can become easier for both the rich and the poor. Furthermore, education also teaches people to value what is morally right. By that, the world would grow and become a better place for us to live, when people know the right way.
Ultimately, education is the key to almost everything in life. Everything else will follow itself once you are educated. Education is worth fighting for because with it comes a better life for everyone and a better world by providing space for growth and development. Education is needed to accomplish or get anywhere in life. Without it, the world would have not much growth nor development. In a way, education is also like a 'bridge' between the two worlds, poverty and wealth. Education is also important for achieving freedom and success. I believe education is worth fighting for.
Painting- 'World and Education' by Romero Britto
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