Gestalt Dominant (Right Brain)
Profile LL

After reading about my profile, I learnt that I my function is movement and I learn best through movement. Because of this, I would want to sit at the back of the classroom so I can move easily without disturbing others around me. When I am under stress, I can't use any of my Visual, Auditory or Communication skills to take in information. This means that I am at great disadvantage under stress as I cannot access my dominant hemisphere and therefore, totally shut off. However, there are a few activities that can help me deal with stress. Some of the activities include the Lazy 8s, Thinking Caps, Cross Crawl Sit-Ups from Brain Gym, as well as drawing with the non-dominant hand. Some examples of things that make me stress are: When I don't understand something, when there is a big test, or when I have a lot of homework. The Gestalt coping strategy tells me that when stress like that happens I could do the following: Attend to details, prioritize, force myself to finish what I started. I would like my teachers to know I learn best by seeing the big/whole picture.
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