Friday, February 25, 2011

Luttrell Psalter

1. What is the Lutterral Psalter? What does it portray?

The Psalter a volume of 150 ancient songs, grouped together to form one of the Old Testament books of the Bible. They formed a fundamental part of Christian and Jewish worship in the Middle Ages and down to the present day. They were often written out separately from the rest of the Bible and preceded by a calendar of the Church's feat-days and followed by various types of prayers. It is a medieval manuscript.

2. What type of source is the Lutterral Psalter?

The Lutterral Psalter is a primary source.

3. Why is the Lutterral Psalter an unique document?

The Lutterral Psalter is an unique document because it is painted in rich colours embellished with gold and silver with vitality and sometimes bizzarre inventiveness of decoration. It has fascinating details and its lively images provide a virtual documentary of work and is as well unlike virtually any other Psalter.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

DomiKnow Learning Profile

Gestalt Dominant (Right Brain)

Profile LL

After reading about my profile, I learnt that I my function is movement and I learn best through movement. Because of this, I would want to sit at the back of the classroom so I can move easily without disturbing others around me. When I am under stress, I can't use any of my Visual, Auditory or Communication skills to take in information. This means that I am at great disadvantage under stress as I cannot access my dominant hemisphere and therefore, totally shut off. However, there are a few activities that can help me deal with stress. Some of the activities include the Lazy 8s, Thinking Caps, Cross Crawl Sit-Ups from Brain Gym, as well as drawing with the non-dominant hand. Some examples of things that make me stress are: When I don't understand something, when there is a big test, or when I have a lot of homework. The Gestalt coping strategy tells me that when stress like that happens I could do the following: Attend to details, prioritize, force myself to finish what I started. I would like my teachers to know I learn best by seeing the big/whole picture.