Why is good health important? This appears to be an obvious question, but it is one that seems to be progressively more and more forgotten. Over the past few years, our attitude towards health and lifestyle has changed and we ignore our health in one way or the other. Most people do not realize the importance of health and so they do not care much about it. Health can be defined in various ways based on different viewpoints and ideologies. In the dictionary, it is simply defined as- the general state of a person's mental or physical condition.
Health is an invaluable part of life. Without it, people have no inspiration, motivation, and are unable to thrive for success. National healthcare systems are suppose to improve the quality of life and support development in both the short and long run. However, in some countries like the US, healthcare has become an industry. Oppose to providing standard healthcare at affordable prices, healthcare companies are increasing their profit margins instead, and becoming more of a business than it is a service. Now, the standard of care needed to live a quality life is accessible to only the fortunate few who are able to afford it. But in spite of that, health is important in all aspects of life. Good health typically leads to a long and satisfying life, whereas poor health generally cuts life short and causes atrophy, desolation, and suffering. On account of that, I think healthcare is a privilege that every human being should have. I believe Health is worth fighting for.
Health helps the world move in a forward direction. Good health is important and needed in society as it allows the world to advance and develop. For all of human history, we have used our innovation and reason to improve all aspects of our lives. The main reason why the world has achieved and grown so much is due to the fact that we are able to live longer, healthier lives. Health helps the society push forward especially in workplace, as it helps in the achievement of personal ambition and permits people to conserve their earnings. Furthermore, if you are unwell or out of shape, you will not be able to work very well. Good health assuredly affects the productivity of the employees positively. Health is needed for the world to grow nor advance or develop. Without it, the world would not be able to have a reliable further for future generations to thrive, as people would then live in anxiety of developing diseases and illnesses. As much as that, good health is necessary for happiness and to live a fulfilling life.
Not only does healthcare allow benefits for the extremes of life, with good health, we are also able to enjoy the simple pleasures of life longer. Throughout time, we have developed our health care to prevent sicknesses or infectious diseases. Our advances in health treatment has enable us to live a life free from distress about our health, we don't have to worry about whether we will live another day because our lives are protected with the high level of health treatment we have today. Because of this, we have the ability to live a life free from being in chronic pain emotionally and physically. You do not have to in continual fear of obtaining a life-threatening illness, and by doing so, you would have to worry your loved ones and strain relationships. With good health, you will have more energy and vitality to stretch yourself to do things, which would otherwise be impossible. You can live without suffering from aches, pains, and illness as often. Good health beings about a radical improvement in the overall quality of life. Health is also needed to achieve much or accomplish anything in life. Good health lets us have a longer life and more time for us to pursue our life goals or ambitions, and when you succeed, you feel happy and full. Without good health, we would miss out on so much things in life.
Healthcare is one of the most important components in life. It is needed to get anywhere in life or succeed in anything. It contributes to an individual's lifespan and has much to do with happiness and success. Health has a drastic impact on your overall performance and quality of life, and is one of the most important indispensable assets in life. Good health in needed for society to advance and develop as well as for people to live a happy and fulfilling life. Poor health can be a real down turn in an individual's life. I think standard healthcare should be accessible to everyone so they can live a good life. I believe Health is worth fighting for.
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