Rosa Parks (1913 - 2005)
"Each person must live their life as a model for others."These inspirational words were said by Rosa Parks, an African-American civil rights activist and seamstress. I think this quote implies that every individual should live their life following their moral codes and stand up for what they believe in. It also suggests we live our lives as an example for other's so they can follow our footsteps one day.
Born in Tuskegee, Alabama, Rosa Parks' childhood was greatly influenced by the Jim Crow laws of the south that segregated white people from black people in almost every part of their lives. This included riding public transportation, where blacks were only allowed to sit in the back few rows of the bus, as long as no whites were left standing, yet they all had to pay the same amount of fare. Rosa Parks is most well known for her stand against racial segregation on a public bus in Montgomery. Her fight began the day she refused to give up her seat to a white passenger, when ordered to do so.
On Thursday, December 1st 1995, Rosa Parks boarded a public bus in downtown Montgomery, after a day at work. She sat in an empty seat in the first row of back seats, set aside for blacks, behind several rows reserved for white passengers, but not before she paid her fare. The bus travelled along its regular route picking up increasingly more passengers. Eventually, all the seats reserved for whites were taken. Rosa Parks along with several other blacks were then ordered to move further back by the bus driver. However, something inside of Rosa Parks said NO. When ordered the second time, she still refused to and remained seated. Parks was arrested and sent to jail by the police. 24 hours after her arrest, she was bailed out of jail and her trail lasted for half an hour.
When people around the area heard about Rosa Parks' civil disobedience, they decided to take a stand as well. A boycott was formed and the people agreed not to take buses on Monday, December 5th, four days after the arrest. The black (coloured) community managed to disrupt the bus transit company's finances causing it losing a lot of money. Due to the boycott, the law requiring segregation on public buses was removed 381 after the move.
Rosa Parks' act of resistance turned into an important image of the modern Civil Rights Movement. Parks didn't give up her seat because she was tired, she stated, "the only tired I (she) was, was tired of giving in." Rosa Parks took a stand and stood firm for what she believed was right. She made it clear she was not going to go on being treated in that manner, like a second-class citizen, anymore. Parks had not planed to get arrested, but just the same, did not hesitate to do so as she 'felt that we (blacks) had endured that (treatment) too long.' Rosa Parks had to make that decision, one that has brought positive change to society. Parks believed 'the more we (blacks) gave in, the more we complied with that kind of treatment, the more oppressive it became.' Rosa Parks went against society to fight for what she believed was worth fighting for. Rosa Parks lived her life as a model for us all.
She once claimed- "Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others." Sure enough, her sacrifices and achievements throughout her life will be remembered clearly and told through generations. Her act of boldness started a revolution that has changed the lives of generation to follow. She stood up for what she believed was right and went on bringing positive change in history. She fought for what was just and gave hope to others. Without her heroic acts, the society would not be the way it was today. Rosa Parks advanced positive change in a time when social inequality was commonplace. By the means of her actions, she has taught us to fight for was is morally right. I believe Civil Rights are worth fighting for.
Graphic Citation: http://www.bapwd.com/Rosa_Parks.jpg