"The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not try to defy them." - Paul Hawken
If I could create a new world, I would want it to be based on sustainability. Nowadays, the human population is rising at a rate that causes sustaining resources almost impossible. As the consumption and population grows, the world's natural resources are lessening. If we keep consuming at this increasing rate, there will be nothing left for us to consume in the future. In my ideal world, natural resources will be valued and fewer resources will be consumed than created.
Sustainability is an important characteristic because it allows growth and development by securing a reliable future for new civilizations and future generations to thrive. Furthermore, our future depends upon our actions now. We, as humankind, are dependent on the environment and its natural resources to survive. If the environment was destroyed or natural resources depleted, we would not be able to nourish ourselves to live much longer. Therefore, we need to start sustaining the planet to maintain all life and ecological systems.
In my ideal world, everyone will work towards sustaining the environment and its natural resources. People will seek to reduce their ecological footprint as well as their negative impact on the environment to maintain balance in the environment. In this society, no one will disregard sustainability. The environment will be protected and depletion of natural resources avoided and valued. People will repay whatever they take from the planet and there will be more resources produced than used. Around the world, many societies have endeavored to achieve this ideal, yet haven't reached it. Nonetheless, it is still worth striving for.
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