Friday, November 26, 2010

BISP Question: In My Opinion

Question: If you disagree with a rule, law or public policy, it is better to remain silent than to speak out and risk punishment.

My Opinion: Before I read the book, my opinion was that no, you should speak up if you disagree with a rule/law. However, after I started to read the book, I realize that no, in my point of view you shouldn’t. I say this because by reading the book to my understanding, I realized how much authority and power a person can have. I became aware that if someone made a rule or a law and you speak up to disagree with it, what difference could it make? The person who set the law has all the right and power, they don’t have time much less care for what you have to say. With somebody with a lot more authority than you, you could say one to many words wrong and be sentenced to death without knowing what just happened. A person with a huge amount of power and authority has control over the entire country whereas a person who is just part of the society is just one of thousands maybe millions of citizens. Chances are, there is probably a person who agrees with you, but would they help defend you? It only takes one order for you to be dead or tortured when you do an act that seems inappropriate. As you can see, my thinking about this topic has changed after I read the book.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A 'Good Life' ?

I think a ‘good life’ is the life that one would like to live. It is when you do things you love and are keen about. A good life is when you laugh and have fun. When you feel love and wanted. You have family and friends who cheer you up when you are sad. A ‘good life’ is also when you have something to look forward to do. When you remember good times and let things that make you down go. When you are healthy, well and have a home and family were you belong. You are not always stress and enjoy whatever you do. A ‘good life’ is doing things that you enjoy and doing what makes you happy. When you are content and appreciate what you've got is when your life would be the fullest. When you have hope and an ambition. You never give up even if things are not working out for you. A 'good life' is when you live your life your to the fullest. A 'good life' is also when you look ahead and prepare for the future instead of looking back and regretting things and mistakes you made.

Monday, November 1, 2010